Today was the day. Having concluded that a more comprehensive approach would be simpler, I generated a list of URLs with post IDs, saved it to a file, and used wget to retrieve the redirection information from the blog site: wget -i numerical-urls.txt –server-response –spider –max-redirect=0 wget seems to have trouble sending the server responses […]
Shortcuts, Part 3
With two files full of pre-prepared calls to the Disqus API, it’s time to fire up wget. We test a couple URLs from our files first, to make sure we’re getting responses we can work with. But by default, wget saves its output to a file – so we output to the terminal (stdout) instead, […]
Shortcuts, Part 2
First things first: create a step-by-step to-do list of what I’ll be doing to merge these Disqus threads: I need to look up the JSON objects for 1200+ threads – by disqus_identifier – to determine what URL is associated with each one. Ideally, I’ll end up with two files: one that has all the JSON […]
On Taking Shortcuts, Part 1
Project of the week: taking two versions of 600 Disqus comments threads and merging them.
Here Come the Ads… Soon-ish
Why aren’t more independent bloggers monetizing their website traffic?
Because all blogs need an introduction…
…and because I like to be different, contrarian, and the like – that is to say, I like to define myself by the things that I object to – this is all I’m going to write as my first post on the first solo “me” site I’m creating in almost 20 years. Enjoy!